Bonanza Pest Control strives for customer satisfaction! We have many happy customers who would love to share their stories with you. Take a look and read all of our testimonials below. If you are ready to start your service, please call us today at 775-256-9044.
"Highly Recommended"
Every time I've had to have a pest control inspection the owner came out and did the inspection (and that's been almost 20 years!). He was prompt, courteous, and explained everything to my clients. He drives a truck with identification and wears a shirt with the name of his company on it. That's professional! Even when it's bad news (there may be ants or bugs), he did an EXCELLENT job of explaining everything to the client. Even MOLD was explained in such a way that it didn't alarm the buyer and blow the deal apart! Yes, I'd recommend him for inspections and service!
Karen M.